Wondering if you’re allowed to bring candles on board for your next flight? Perhaps you’re bringing one as a gift for a friend or relative in another state, or maybe you fell in love with a candle while on vacation and you’d like to take it home with you.
In this article, we’ll discuss what types of candles are allowed on planes and how to pack them safely in your luggage or carry-on.
Can You Bring Candles on a Plane?
You are allowed to bring most kinds of candles on a plane if you’re flying from anywhere in the United States. According to the TSA, solid wax candles can be brought along with practically no restrictions, as long as you don’t light them on board, of course.
When you travel with candles in your carry-on luggage, it is best to remove them from your bag and place them into a bin when going through security. TSA agents often want to do an additional scan on candles if they aren't clearly identified during the initial scan.
Here are TSA’s rules about bringing candles on planes:
**Solid candles** are allowed in both carry-on bags and checked luggage.
**Gel candles** are prohibited in carry-on bags but allowed in checked luggage.
There is no limit on the size or number of candles you can bring.
You’re allowed to pack candles in both carry-on and checked luggage as long as they’re solid candles.
Solid candles refer to any candle made of solid, hardened wax, such as those made with paraffin, soy wax, beeswax, palm wax, coconut wax, and more. They can be in any type of container – glass, metal, ceramic, or no container at all.
Gel candles (also called gel wax candles) use a rubbery, transparent gel wax made of 5% polymer resin and 95% mineral oil. They’re designed to burn longer than solid wax candles, but there are enough stories about exploding gel candles that TSA decided they’re too dangerous for carry-on bags.
If you’re planning to bring gel candles on your trip, remember to keep them in your checked luggage.
TSA doesn’t impose any restrictions on the size or number of candles you bring. Generally speaking, you can bring as many candles as you want, as long as they fit in your bag. The candles can also be in any size or shape – within reason. There’s a side note on the TSA website that says, “the final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint.”
What About Decorative Matches?
If you bought an art deco-inspired matchbox to go with your favorite Sweet U Candles candle, you may bring it with you in your carry-on bag, but not in your checked luggage.
Strike-anywhere matches are prohibited. These matches can light from friction against any hard, rough surface and may inadvertently cause a fire while in transit. On the other hand, safety matches will only ignite when struck against the special strip on the side of the box, making them safer to carry.
TSA rules allow passengers to bring one box of safety matches per person. If you have more than one, you’ll have to leave the rest at home.
How to Pack Candles in Your Luggage
Now that you understand what’s allowed and what isn’t, let’s talk about how to pack candles for your trip.
Candles can be quite fragile, especially those in lovely glass containers. It’s best to pack them in your carry-on bag or bring them on board as a personal item since you’ll be able to keep track of how they’re handled throughout your journey.
Packing them in your checked luggage is riskier. You’ve probably seen videos of airport workers tossing suitcases on and off the plane – not ideal for fragile items like candles.
If you need to pack candles in your checked luggage, here are some tips to keep them safe:
- Place candles inside clear, zippered bags in case some of the wax softens or melts in transit.
- Pack your candle as close to the center of your suitcase as possible.
- If you have a glass or ceramic candle, place at least 1-3 inches of packing material (bubble wrap or crumpled paper, ideally) around all sides.
- Clothing can also make great packing material, but don’t wrap them directly around the candle to avoid melted wax or oil staining your clothes.
- Fill up your suitcase so that there isn’t any empty space inside for things to move around.
- Attach a “Fragile” sticker to your suitcase. It won’t guarantee that your bags will be treated gently, but it’s better than nothing.
How to Pack Candles in Carry-On Bags
Fragile items like candles are best kept in carry-ons.
Despite being allowed in your carry-on bag, candles are often scrutinized by airport security. Maybe it’s the way candle wax looks as it’s going through the x-ray machine, or maybe security officers are extra cautious about potential fire hazards.
To avoid delays, if you plan on packing a candle in your carry-on, here’s what we recommend:
- Pack your candle near the top of your bag so you can take it out quickly if needed.
- Leave your candle in a clear zippered bag or an open candle box that’s accessible for security to inspect.
- To streamline the process, take it out of your bag before sending it through the x-ray.
- Don’t gift wrap your candle before the flight, as security might ask you to unwrap it.
And that’s it — everything you need to know about bringing candles on a plane. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your Sweet U Candles make it to your destination safely and intact.